Ahlström Invest is a family investment company. It actively manages its holding in Ahlstrom and invests with a strong sustainable focus in public and private markets.


Active management of the holdings in Ahlstrom together with A. Ahlström team. Management of a considerable liquid asset portfolio with a 5-year value creation horizon.

The assets and operations of Ahlström Invest and A. Ahlström complement each other, ensuring a diversified allocation of the Ahlström family’s investment.

Ahlström Invest total portfolio



A. Ahlström's ownership per 31.12.2022


Ahlström Invest's shareholding in Ahlstrom


Management Board

Sebastian Burmeister

Pieter van Putten

Supervisory Board

Peter Seligson (Chair)

Kari Kauniskangas (Vice Chair)

Marion Björkstén

Erna Boogaard

Philippe Melin

Martti Saikku

Gerard de Vries

Interim CEO

Sebastian Burmeister